1. India and the World : This part will include questions to test candidate’s awareness of India’s relationship with the world in various spheres such as the following :— Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on India’s relations with neighbouring countries and in the region. Security and defence related matters. Nuclear policy, issues and conflicts. The Indian diaspora and its contribution to the India and the World.
2. India’s Economic Interaction with the World : In this part, questions will be economic and trade issues such as foreign trade, foreign investment, economic and diplomacy issues relating to oil, gas and energy flows; the role and functions of I.M.F. world Bank, W.T.O., WIPO etc., which influence India’s economic interaction with other countries and international institutions.
3. Developments in the field of Science and Technology, IT and Space : In this part, questions will test the candidate’s awareness of the development in the field of science and technology, information technology, space and basic ideas about computers, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and related issues regarding intectual property rights.
4. International Affairs and institutions : This part include questions on important events in the world affairs and on international institutions.
5. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams : This part will test the candidate’s ability to draw conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical or diagrammatical from and to interpret them.